Since my friend and ex colleague Shermaine left Bonn to become a new korean-adopted girl, we kept in touch via email and whatsapp.
We always laugh reminding good moments we spent together by gossiping, working, eating and especially cooking.
Indeed most of our chats start off with: "hey, look at it! i made this cake for..." or "ok, i tried this recipe and it's delicious. Check it out"....and link...
Last time she sent this amazing picture and I couldn't believe it was a home-made cake. She immediately read my mind and sent the recipe while i was writing asking for it.

Shame on me! I had no time to make my own banana pie and confirm the success of this recipe, but in return I would like to share two others tipical italian cooking directions. My mom made both some dinners ago and I keep dreaming next time I will taste them! Soooooo gnammy!